(208) 523-4433 info@wrightlawidaho.com

Do You Need a Trust?

Before addressing (in future columns) the reasons a trust can be extremely helpful, it may be helpful to know some reasons that people are told they should have a trust . . . but which may not be true. People are sometimes told to have a trust to avoid probate. Most...

Do You Need A Trust for Your Estate Plan?

There are many situations in which a trust is useful.   For example, if you wish to avoid probate, a trust is very effective.  This is especially true if you own property in two different states.  Probate is the process to ensure that property owned by a deceased...

The People You Leave Behind

I recall meeting with a client whose husband had suddenly and unexpectedly passed.  Of course, she was grieving; but she was also frightened about her future.  She had no idea what to do next when it came to “legal things.”  She did know that she did not want her...