Frequently asked questions
Last post, I posed the example of a second marriage in which the husband moved into the house already owned by his new spouse. When she dies, what right does he have to continue living in that home? If he continues to live there, what effect will this have on her...
Frequently asked questions, Scams
Previously, I read an article warning about what is called the “Grandparent Scam.” It is a scam I have been addressing for some time in my presentations. According to the FBI, it works like this: You’re a grandparent, and you get a phone call or an e-mail from...
Frequently asked questions, Scams
Scams have become a serious threat for senior citizens, including in our community. Almost one third of successful scams make senior citizens the victim, even though seniors represent only 12% of the population. There are several reasons for this: Seniors are the...
Frequently asked questions
I have two purposes for making these posts and for offering free presentations about estate planning. First, I hope to educate. Estate planning and elder law can have complex strategies and concepts, but we can cut through much of the mystery if I can help people...
Frequently asked questions
It is not uncommon to receive a call from an adult child concerned about a parent’s decreasing ability to care for him or herself. Circumstances often require assistance the child does not have the ability to provide. A constant concern is the possibility of an aging...