(208) 523-4433 info@wrightlawidaho.com

An Estate Plan is Much More Than Having a Will 

I sometimes hear people say that they do not have enough “stuff” to worry about an estate plan. In fact, this attitude is not uncommon. Many people consider an “estate plan” and a Will to mean the same thing. A Will does address who gets your things when you die. But...

An Additional Option to Help Aging Parents

In past columns, I have addressed the challenges, and options available, when an aging parent needs assistance.  In some cases, a “power of attorney” may be sufficient.  This document allows a parent to transfer to a trusted child (or other person) the authority to...

Do I Need a Will or a Trust?

Most people understand the basic purpose of a Will. It is the document that describes who will receive their assets when they die. A Will may be sufficient for the estate of many people. However, in many cases, a Will may not be sufficient to address specific needs or...

Should I Use a Form for my Will or Trust?

An effective estate plan should be as simple as possible, so long as it carries out your wishes. However, some want you to believe that you need only purchase their “form” to have an effective estate plan. Using this form document, you are told, will save you money...

Don’t Take This Risk

Every adult should have a Will, especially upon becoming a parent.  If you have children that are not of adult age, or have an adult child that is developmentally disabled, a Will is that much more important.  It is the document that allows you to name who you choose...