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Are you Prepared to Step In?

Are you Prepared to Step In?

I read an article published in the Wall Street Journal® titled “The Difficult, Delicate Untangling of Our Parents’ Lives.”   The author and his wife were in their 50s and dealing with the challenges of parents too incapacitated to handle their own affairs. ...
Can I Stay in the House?

Can I Stay in the House?

Without preparation, the passing of a loved one can result in difficult and unexpected challenges.  In recent posts, I have addressed this point with the example of a second marriage in which the husband moved into the house already owned by his new spouse.  Upon her...

Do I Need a Will or a Trust?

Most people understand the basic purpose of a Will. It is the document that describes who will receive their assets when they die. A Will may be sufficient for the estate of many people. However, in many cases, a Will may not be sufficient to address specific needs or...

Do You Need a Trust?

Before addressing (in future columns) the reasons a trust can be extremely helpful, it may be helpful to know some reasons that people are told they should have a trust . . . but which may not be true. People are sometimes told to have a trust to avoid probate. Most...