(208) 523-4433 info@wrightlawidaho.com

Will there Be a Reading of The Will?

Everyone has seen the movie or television show when the family gathers for the reading of the will.  It is usually a dramatic event with an unexpected twist that makes for a good movie plot.  Is there actually any requirement to have the family meet for a “reading of...

Will You Have Options After a Crisis Hits?

I recall meeting with a heartbroken couple facing an aggressive, terminal diagnosis for one of them.  There was little time left.  From that meeting I headed to a health care facility to review estate documents with a man recovering from a serious health condition. ...

Do I Need a Will or a Trust?

Most people understand the basic purpose of a Will. It is the document that describes who will receive their assets when they die. A Will may be sufficient for the estate of many people. However, in many cases, a Will may not be sufficient to address specific needs or...

Don’t Take This Risk

Every adult should have a Will, especially upon becoming a parent.  If you have children that are not of adult age, or have an adult child that is developmentally disabled, a Will is that much more important.  It is the document that allows you to name who you choose...