(208) 523-4433 info@wrightlawidaho.com

Wright Law Idaho Estate Planning & More offers professional advice to ensure successful legal results related to wills, trusts, business succession planning, and more.

Divorce and Your (or Your Child’s) Estate Plan

Divorce and Your (or Your Child’s) Estate Plan

Last article I addressed what would happen if your Will leaves everything to your spouse, but you later divorce and do not change the Will. Idaho law prohibits an ex-spouse from receiving assets just because he or she was named in a Will created prior to the divorce....

Your Best Intentions Will Not Be Enough

Your Best Intentions Will Not Be Enough

I recall a few years ago when a client passed away.  His assets were not insignificant.  His passing was sudden, and left serious issues affecting his family and his estate.    His health had begun to deteriorate, but he thought there was still time.  Nevertheless, he...

All Wills Are Not Created Equal(ly)

It is hard to believe that it has been almost five years since we lost the “Queen of Soul,” Aretha Franklin. However, you may have noticed that she was in the news quite recently. More accurately, a fight over her estate was in the news. Ms. Franklin left a 2010 Will....