(208) 523-4433 info@wrightlawidaho.com
Your Best Intentions Will Not Be Enough

Your Best Intentions Will Not Be Enough

I recall a few years ago when a client passed away. His assets were not insignificant. His passing was sudden, and left serious issues affecting his family and his estate.His health had begun to deteriorate, but he thought there was still time. Nevertheless, he was...

Will You Have Options After a Crisis Hits?

I recall meeting with a heartbroken couple facing an aggressive, terminal diagnosis for one of them.  There was little time left.  From that meeting I headed to a health care facility to review estate documents with a man recovering from a serious health condition. ...

Don’t Take This Risk

Every adult should have a Will, especially upon becoming a parent.  If you have children that are not of adult age, or have an adult child that is developmentally disabled, a Will is that much more important.  It is the document that allows you to name who you choose...