(208) 523-4433 info@wrightlawidaho.com

Wright Blog

Welcome to Wright Law Idaho’s blog, where attorney Steven J. Wright shares valuable insights and practical advice on estate planning, business formation, elder law, probate, and Medicaid planning. With a creative tone and unwavering commitment to honesty and respect, Steven dives deep into topics such as estate control, protecting your family, aging parents, divorce’s impact on estate plans, and comprehensive planning. Stay informed and prepared with Steven J. Wright’s informative blog.

Estate Planning

A Simple Step to Protect Your Family

A Simple Step to Protect Your Family

A common thread of my columns is the need to “plan when you can.”  This stems from what I consider to be the first rule of proper estate planning . . . ensure you maintain control of your estate. In this case, “estate” does not mean just your possessions or “stuff.”...

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Medicaid Planning

Business Law

Frequently Asked Questions

Why We Do What We Do

Why We Do What We Do

I have two purposes for making these posts and for offering free presentations about estate planning. First, I hope to educate. Estate planning and elder law can have complex strategies and concepts, but we can cut through much of the mystery if I can help people...

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Subscribe to the blog page and stay informed with Steven J. Wright’s insightful articles on estate planning, business formation, elder law, probate, and Medicaid planning. Discover valuable insights, practical advice, and comprehensive planning tips to protect your family and navigate complex legal matters. Join our community of informed readers and be prepared for the future. Subscribe now!